We have arrived

view from balcony
view from balcony

Not sure what day or time it is but we have made it through our first day in Delhi. The Paharganj area is far nothing we could have imagined. Tomorrow we are on a mission to find the Apple store and visit the Lotus Temple. At dinner we met a guy who biked here from Austria, really!

  1. Wow, we miss you already. Don’t worry about Maggie, she has been busy this weekend playing with Autumn and Sam, they love her and I am sure they would take her home if Andrew would let them. She is pretty tuckered out and has been sleeping well. The kids are tuckering her out! Hope you are well, we look forward to following your journey in India. Thank you for keeping us posted.

  2. Amazing…

    Way to realize the dream you two! Have a kingfisher for me.

    love C*

  3. Hi Jen and Jon

    Enjoying the pictures you have posted so far. We hope you are over your jetlag. Missing you both. Maggie is doing well, went for a walk this morning. She sure does love the water. Keep the pictures coming. Have a safe trip and take care. Love you both.

  4. Hi Jen and Jon!
    How exciting to finally be there! I look forward to all your updates and cannot wait to hear more stories in person. I am soooo jealous of you two right now, wish that I were there too! Have a wonderful adventure!!


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