Last Day in Delhi

Red Fort
Red Fort

On our last day in Delhi and we still have much to see. Today we visited the Mosque of Jama Masjid, the largest mosque in India. We also went to the Red Fort. Our rickshaw driver tried to convince us that it was closed, and that we could only take pictures from the outside so we would stay in his rickshaw and pay the fare back to our hotel, we trusted our gut and got out… oh those Rickshaw drivers, little head wiggle. The Red Fort is vast, and beautifully ornate. Walking around, I couldn’t help but think how strange it was that people would build such grand palaces for their emperor’s.

1 comment
  1. Jen….it comes natural for you to find trust in others, the people will be blessed to connect with you and Jon! Dont get me wrong, I dont know what its exactly like over there but folllow your strong intuition and your journey will take you to good people and places!

    I love reading your entries… your journaling inspires me to see the world!!

    We purchased a home yesterday!! YEah on the Northshore on EVans street. YOu will love the house! AND im not sure what your plans are for when you return but the offer is up for you/ Jon and Megs to live in the 1 bed. suit. Its cute!
    I love you both so much and look forward to seeing and hearing more of India…. its growing on me! he he

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