Life at Secmol

Conversation Class
Conversation Class

Yesterday I taught an English class and I am also working on a new design for the campus newsletter with some of the students. Each day, we also take part in daily conversation classes. Jon has been cooking almost daily with the camp cook and he is learning to make delicious food with minimal tools and ingredients. Tomorrow the main cook is taking the day off and Jon will be cooking for everyone … breakfast, lunch and dinner plus tea x 2, I will help with another volunteer from Germany. Life is pretty basic but nice and the days float by with a peaceful rhythm. Now that we have figured out how to have a warmish shower/bath by putting a bucket of water out in the sun each morning, we are a just that much more happy.

  1. Awesome to hear from you this morning, the bucket of water in the sun sounds like a great saving on natural gas and Jen we notice it is only 1 bucket. The cooking experience – can’t wait for our next dinner Jon. Love to you both.

  2. We are next in line for the Indian dinner, mmmmm…

  3. Hi guys, whats for dinner? Hope all is going well. We have decided to keep Maggie rather that take her to the kennel. She is doing well, a hike in the morning and lots of swimming in the afternoon. The boys say hi and we all miss you. Your mom called us from the ship as they were leaving from Vancouver. Cheers. Love you.
    The Hampels

  4. c vraiment une belle expérience clinaire pour toi jo!

  5. Tank you two to post some pictures and written about your experience trip it make me travel again. I hope you enjoy every litle moments. Jo take care of Jennifer and same thing to you Jennifer take care of my brother.

  6. Hey Jen and Jon,
    Glad to hear that you are having a great time! I too am looking forward to some Jon cooked east indian food 🙂 Thanks for all the updates, they take me vicariously to where you are!
    Miss you,
    Love Niki

  7. We miss you both. Went to Steph’s for dinner and had indian food, yummy. Your dog is in her glory. She is acting like a puppy, hyper as can be. Hiking in the morning and swimming all afternoon, she is enjoying her holiday. She is one happy camper. We are hoping to hear from you soon. Take care. Loving your updates and wishing we were there.

  8. Wonderful to hear about all of your adventures in India. We can’t believe the elevations that you have experienced in your travels around India by road … incredible!

    We are looking forward to your folks arrival home so we can hear all about the cruising life.

    Keep the updates coming……….. love, Jane and Murray

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