At the top

At the top
At the top

Day one of our trek was pretty easy other than the walking in the hot desert sun and getting a bit of heat stroke on the way. We really enjoyed our stay at the Guest House and wished we could stay longer. The family exuded friendliness and even though they spoke very little English, we felt very comfortable. Day 2 started with a very beautiful walk down a river to the Rizong Monastery and then a long walk up, up up and over a mountain to Hemis Shukpa Chan for our 2nd night. Our guide and Jon were really fast on the way up but I took my time and when I finally made it to the summit, I was very happy!

“I am getting stronger, every step of the way”


Home stay in Yangthan
Home stay in Yangthan

On our journey on the Sham Trek we had the great honor to experience Ladakhi hospitality at our guest house in Yangtang. Our wonderful hostess prepared for us the most amazing meals on her wood and cow dung stove. We also had the pleasure of trying “Chang”, a locally made alcohol from barley.

Larger than Life

Likir Monastery
Likir Monastery

We have visited a few Monasteries since arriving in Ladakh. Although we find the them charming with their winding stairways and endless narrow alleys and friendly monks, we always feel a little out of place as we know very little about Buddhism and this way of life. As well, as Jon noted everything is built very small… watch the head. We tread lightly. The monks are always friendly and we have been invited for tea occasion.

When we arrived at the Likir Monastery we were awestruck/inspired with the larger than life golden statue of Buddha and had to sit for quite awhile in his presence.