Why do we travel?


We are back in Delhi. We have to wait 2 days to catch the train to Varanasi so here we go again. We have to say that we like it better this time but we still have to deal with the touts and the endless schemes to rip us off. Today when we arrived at the train station we were told by “official agent” (he had a badge and everything) that we were at the wrong place had that we had to go to this other office to get tickets. When we arrived at office they told us no tickets were available for a week but they could sell us a packaged deal to another destination of our choice, private driver, hotels, etc.. After much consideration and some argument between Jon and I, we decided to pass and return to the hotel we stayed at when we first arrived. We checked with the agent there about tickets and sure enough we were able to book a train ticket to Varanasi.

Over dinner Jon and I  discussed our travel plans plans for the remainder of our trip. He was thinking that the organized tour sounded not so bad and perhaps we wouldn’t have to deal with all the hassles from people trying to rip us off and that having things organized for us would leave more time for relaxation and contemplation. I disagreed and said that I felt that the magic of travel is entirely about the journey and this can only be done on your own, not led to from safe point A to safe point B.  For me it is about who you meet along the way, the element of surprise and spontaneity, the faith and freedom of choice.

So here we sit, slightly divided on our thoughts and plans for the future, and wonder what you think about this matter… I know everyone travels differently (mom) so we put the question out there?

  1. Ahhhh…interesting question I have pondered much myself. Yes, there are positives and negatives from both. What I personally like to do is to do an organized tour when I first arrive in a country to ease into the customs, language and environment, etc. then do the other half of my journey on my own. Perfect balance for me. I feel more comfortable by the time I’m on my own and get a well balanced travel experience!
    Have fun no matter how you travel!

    1. Thanks Nancy for the comment… we thought of this option together as that would accomodate both our wishes. However, while in Delhi, we decided, without our luggage, to visit the train station again and found that it is very easy to book tickets straight from the station. Sometimes you just have to be slightly rude and tell these touts to leave you alone. We are in Varanasi at the moment and have booked all our tickets back to Jaipur where we will stop for awhile and work on a farm. Tell Stewart we are off to Khajuraho (a place he told me about) on Thursday.

  2. You seem to be enjoying your travels. That is so nice.I personally went on guided tours and the ones where you go where you please. Both have benefits. One thing I think nobody should bully you into a tour.We should have a choice.I think Its very bad that they are doing this. I guess that’s their way. My East Indian friend once told me. Beware of people from his country. Some are not very nice. However I think its the same all over the world. Times have sure changed. Have a wonderful trip but be wary of snakes in the grass. Love you Jen . Do want to meet Jon one day.

    1. Thank you Aunty Helen for your comment. I know you have traveled quite a bit in your time. I agree that no one should bully you into a tour and I am glad we did not book from this agency. We might book for the end of our trip as we will have limited time and would like to see as much as Rajastan as possible but we will see…

  3. Goodmorning Jen and Jon

    Why do we travel??? Dad and I enjoy travelling to see other cultures and experience life there. We somewhat organize our travels but to truly experiece the people and life you must live it like the residents.Having just returned from an Alaskan Cruise one week is very enjoyable but enough time for an organized vacation. Yes Jen we all travel differently – the challenge is always finding what works for both. Have a safe and enjoyable journey. Love to you both.

  4. Thanks for your comments and insights mom and dad. I have thought a lot of you both on our journey and would love to share this experience with you one day. We met a mother/daughter traveling the other night and we wondered what it would be like to travel here with our parents. With love…

  5. Great stories Jen and Jon. I have had some catching up to do today with your posts, but am finding it’s a wonderful way to spend a Saturday morning, traveling India. I understand the division in differences when it comes to choice in travel arrangements. Sometimes it just has to do with everyone’s mood at that particular time. For myself, organized touring has never been very appealing. Though it can be very informative, it can also be limiting in discovering opportunity outside the beaten path. There is certainly something to be said about the element of that limitless freedom that comes with traveling and being very “open” to what presents itself along the way. It is however, important to work together so that everyone feels comfortable, but to also trust that deep instinct that always tells the truth between right and wrong.
    Love you both, be safe and wise.

    1. Thank you Jen for your input, you have a beautiful way with words and I do not know if I could have said it better.

      1. smile =)

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