peace on the River Ganges


We got up early this morning to take a boat ride up the Ganges River. This is a picture of Raul and his friend… Raul is the son of the boat owner. His uncle  was taking us on the tour with 2 other people from New York. Raul told me his other uncle owned a silk shop and if I would like he would take me there after. He has grown up on the bank of the Ganges. Over tea we talked about all the garbage thrown into the river. He told me he did not think it was good for the river but that everyone does it. There is a lot of praying going on in Varanasi. I pray for the life of the river.

  1. I love you guys…so does our little bubba. But more importantly I love that you are praying. Nikki

  2. I think this is my favorite photo so far. The boy on the left looks like he could be my friend’s son, even the hair is the same. I worked with him at the Empress. Every morning he would make about 4 liters of chai and people would come from all over the hotel for it. It is snowing right now…big fat loonie size flakes…and it’s only October 2!

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