street food


Jon says “the biggest frustration so far in India had been my stomach, our North American stomach’s needs time to get use to food abroad. Today, I decided enough is enough. There is too much great food on the streets of India, and I wasn’t going to miss out on it anymore. So I had lunch on the street today, I cant tell you the name of the dish, and I cant say it was the most amazing meal I have ever had, but it felt great to be able to sample what most people here eat. Today for me it was some kind of fried mashed potato with chilies, tomatoes, and chickpeas, with mango sauce. Ok, got to go, time to sample the street side desserts.”

  1. Jon it must be so interesting to see all of the different dishes out there. The food in the picture looks delicious. So how was the dessert? We miss you both and look forward to seeing you.

  2. I can understand why you just dove into to the amazing looking street food. It would be so hard to pass it by even if the stomach is acting up! I know I continued to eat Turkish food even though my stomach was bloated and a big nuisance! Turkish food = happy niki 🙂

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